Dontmissmyplate: Easy, Unique Recipes + Cooking Tips

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Holiday Homemade Romany Creams

This recipe was inspired by one of my favourite biscuits (cookies) of all time. Make this batch first if you've never tried them, then taste the originals and let me know what you think! My understanding is that Romany Creams were developed from Gipsy Creams (a reference to a recipe of custard cream biscuits from the nomadic people of Romany/other parts of Europe). Romany Creams are some of the most comforting, addictive treats I know, perfect for tea time dunking. Introduced in the UK, sales fell flat, but the recipe was revitalised in South Africa, where the biscuits are still produced today. I won't go too deep into the history here, but look it up when you get the chance.

I recommend making Romany Creams throughout the year, but with a few sprinkles, everyone will want you over in the holiday season.

A note on preparing the dough: using a stand mixer will save you some time, and the dough hook makes the kneading easier, giving you a more consistent result. However, you can use your hands throughout the process.

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